Need inspiration

I have an issue with my life.. It’s not going anywhere.. I have no job, no relationship, and no family of my own.  I feel this is not good being that I am 26 and not established in anyway. I need something that inspires me.. Something to light up a fire under my ass. Something that makes me unique from everyone else. I always feel by staying positive and keeping a good attitude that good things will happen.. Well to a point it is correct.. but most of it is just crap. I have had positive things in my life in the last 6 months that were so close to holding in reality only to find that it was stripped away. It is not a happy feeling. I know I should always be appreciative of what I have because my situation could be much worse. I find it is hard to be like that when nothing is going right for me. It is difficult to appreciate the good times when they just aren’t there. I need a sprout of luck and a prayer to make it grow. Hopefully it will start growing into the life I am looking for.. But until then I am just waiting, wishing, hoping.. Please give me some inspiration. I could use some right about now. End.


First time here.. Don’t know why I signed up.. Don’t even care.. Should I write some stuff? Will people read it? Do I care?  I don’t know.. This and much more I ponder.. While I sit and stare blankly at my screen while my fingers just move.. Let’s just write my mind says.. Silly stuff comes out and yet I don’t even know why. Hooray.. I’m on a blog…